Monday 2 August 2021

Hot weather for a climb on the Galtees

 Hot weather for several days, would have, I hoped, done its job and dried out the normally boggy Galtees. So, on July 18th, I set off on a beautiful sunny morning, full of anticipation, for Kings Yard.

The weather is so settled I didn't even bring rain gear or extra clothes. It was a pure, shorts and tee-shirt kinda day. I was also just using my trail runners but I was determined to enjoy a walk today and not break into a run. It was too hot. Leaving the car, I strode up along the lovely track until I reached the open mountainside. I was feeling energized and strong, so I was determined to do a substantial outing. I love walking into the valley on the east side of Monabrack. It's pleasant V shape, backed by the main Galtee ridge, added to the river (anemic today) flowing in the base, give a lovely somewhat remote feel. I crossed the little bridge and took a deep breath before starting up the 300 metre climb to the summit of Monabrack. This is a long, steep drag, but height is gained quickly. I was delighted with how strong my legs felt and I pushed out a good pace all the way up. Once I reached the broad summit I paused to enjoy a long drink and enjoy the great views. The Knockmealdowns rose across the wide agricultural valley to the south and further west, the Comeraghs stood proud. Of course, the big hulking mass of Galtymore looked great as did all the tops of the western half of the range.

I had to resist the impulse to break into a run while I descended to the next valley under Knockaterriff. Once down in the bottom I was again faced with a long steep climb. Still feeling good, I pushed on and once I reached the broad summit, I was once again  able to enjoy a delicious breeze, which was most welcome after the almost 400 metre climb. If felt simply wonderful to be out. I haven't been doing enough hill walking this year, and who wouldn't enjoy it on a day like today. I could have extended the  day and crossed the boggy saddle to Templehill but I decided to leave it out and headed to Lyreacappul instead. Once I reached this delightful summit, I was on the main ridge and most of the climbing had been done for the day. A rest here and a bite to eat was just the ticket and then I was able to enjoy a lovely walk all the way to Galtymore. Where normally I would have to twist and turn to try and avoid boggy and wet areas, today I was able to walk straight on through. It was a delight. Galtymore was fairly busy but I didn't linger before I headed straight down to the delightful spot where three streams meet in the base of the valley. It was hot down below, and the absence of a breeze meant that the doctor flies were out in force. The streams were very low but there was still plenty of water in the pools below the cascades for me to enjoy a cooling dip. 

It was just a few kilometres from there back to Kings Yard which soon passed. A long drink of water back at the car and soon I was heading for home. It had been a lovely outing. 16 kilometres, 1200 metres ascent in a little over 4 hours. Still got it.

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