So at five pm I set about getting my home for the night together. This was soon accomplished. I had a superb view over Lough Coomlougha and onto the Reeks. A short wander about to enjoy the superb cliffs on the east face of Knocknagantee and it was time for dinner. A culinary masterpiece of pasta and cheese sauce followed by coffee and biscuits went down a treat. By the time the wash up and other bits and bobs was done it was time to climb to point 636mtrs and enjoy a beautiful sunset. And so to bed.
A short spell of reading and I was ready for sleep. It is truly lovely to nod off to sleep and the only sound you can hear is the grumble of a grouse. A long and restful night followed and I rose, well rested at 7.30 the following morning. The clear skys of the night before had acquired a covering of cloud, but this was at 3000ft and didn't obscure the views and touched only the tops of the Reeks. A chilly breeze ensured that I didn't linger over breakfast and I was soon repacking everything up and ready for the day ahead.
Today's plan was to cross over Finnararagh and then on the wonderfully wild and rugged ridge and on to Mullaghanattin. The light was dull and the landscape had acquired a monochrome quality. I was feeling a little tight in the chest but a combination of walking and good old fashioned clear outs ensured that things improved. The rugged and wild nature of the terrain meant that time passed very quickly and I was soon climbing the steep slopes up to point 752mtrs above the Pocket. The top of Mullaghanattin soon followed and I then discovered that I had to retrace my steps to point 657mtrs and descended the broad spur, all the while enjoying the rugged scenery behind Lough Reagh and followed the Glasheengarriff stream back to the road and my car. All in all a lovely couple of days.
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